Friday, March 26, 2010


Last night I got home and continued to try and clean off some Warriors and Gargoyles. The metal guys seem so much easier to clean then the plastic ones...Damn me for doing such a craptasttic job painting 13 years ago!

Later on in the evening I got the motivation up to try my hand at painting a few Gaunts that I started years ago but never finished. Two of the six where almost finished and the other four had only been primed red and washed a darker red. So I started with the carapace in a brown and then to the flesh bore with purple or orange. When it was time to add some detail to the bugs I first tried to do some feathering and blending, but my brush wasn't fine enough and I can’t seem to get the paint consistency right. Also these things are so damn small for adding so much detail. I also tried to do a wash for the detail but that sucked! (What is the difference between a wash and a glaze and a dip?) So of course I resorted to dry brushing the carapace light tan and the flesh a pinkish red, and washing the flesh bore purplish blue. I dotted the eyes bright green but could not manage to get the teeth without painting the entire face white.

By the end of the night I had a small brood of six Gaunts painted though I still need to do the bases.

I need to find a better way to plow thru a lot of small miniatures in a shorter amount of time. I plan on building this army up with mostly all Gaunts so there will be tons of them in the future. I will spend good time on the big guys like my Tyrant and Carnifex and so one, I just want to be able to get my hoard of light troops done quickly and still look ok. I painted a Gaunt a few nights ago and spent like two hours on him and it looks pretty good considering it was the first thing I painted in about ten years...but I don’t have the patience to paint 50 Gaunts at two hours a piece.

Any advice of a good technique for busting out hoard in a short amount of time?

This weekend I plan on cleaning out the basement so I have a habitable working space and I want to strip as many models as I can.



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