Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm Back

It’s been about ten years since I last played 40K...aside from the other day at GW.

When I was younger my weekends were spent in the basement of a friend’s house rolling dice and talking s!*t, many weeknights at GW eating hoards of Marines and Green Skins and trying to hone my painting skills. Somewhere along the line I lost focus and moved on to other things. For years I felt that black case full of foam and pewter drawing me in and tempting me to return, but I never committed to it.

Skip ahead a number of years and I've dropped out of "art school", moved around a bit, went back to college, found my BooBoo (insert Linz here), adopted a few monsters (K9), got my degree, and now have a "career" as a Web Designer (just shot myself in the foot if I don't make this blog look awesome).

So what now?

I come home from the office, and though you would think I work in a very creative environment...I don't. So allot of the time when I get home I crack open some books or hit the web to learn as much as I can about every design & development technology I can (so I can get a real design job...that pays a fair salary).


The point is… this has all left me felling rather none creative , empty, and uninspired.

Rewind to sometime ago.

I had been saying for months that I wanted to try to get back into the hobby and behold... for Christmas my super hot awesome girlfriend bought me tickets to Games-Day 2010 (motivation much?).

Fast forward to the present.

Recently, said hot girlfriend/partner has gotten into jewelry making and is amazingly talented at it, especially for someone who has never done such a thing before (she’s like that with everything though). So there's my inspiration. Seeing her do her own thing and getting satisfaction from it was the kick in the ass I needed.

I went down to GW HQ on Saturday and this guy David walked me thru the new rules...last time I played was 3rd edition. This week I dug out the boxes and decided it was time.

Looking at all my old models I remembered how much of a spaz I was as a kid. I have so many different things; I could easily start an army with Chaos, Orks, maybe even Guard.

But no!

I'm sticking to my original obsession. And soo it begins...

My Return to the Tyranid Hive.

Towards the end of my 40k years as a kid I got pretty good at painting and modeling. Unfortunately that was around the time I started to build up a Chaos army and even got into GorkaMorka. Needless to say most of my Bugs were painted when I first got into the game...and they all mostly look pretty terrible. So I've done my research and I got myself some Simple Green and the stripping process has begun. I want to start completely over and repaint most of if not all of my Bugs. Last night I got a few of them cleaned off (thanks again to Linz and the addition of her nail polish remover).

So it’s going to be a process, and I plan on writing about it all the way to completion. So to anyone who is going to read this, you can look forward to reading about the evolution of my army, my progression as a gamer, and any other random s!*t I come up with, and please give me any advise you may have. thing you need to know is I cannot spell for the life of me so any posting comments about my grammar!



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